
After receiving news about his mother’s death, Thomas returns to Brazil with his partner, Beni. Once there, he learns of a country house belonging to a grandmother he never met. Curious to reconnect with his family history, they visit the house and Thomas is welcomed by two elderly aunts that treat him like their long-lost child. As Thomas becomes increasingly enchanted with the place, Beni begins to suspect that something evil lurks beneath the façade of a tranquil country life.

Director: João Cândido Zacharias

Screenwriter: João Cândido Zacharias e Fernando Toste

Cast: Diego Montez, Yohan Levy, Analu Prestes, Cristina Pereira, Luiza Kosovski, Ana Carbatti, Jimmy London, Gilda Nomacce

Production Companies: Bubbles Project, Kromaki Filmes, Sony Pictures

Distributor: Columbia Tristar

Production year: 2024


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