Tatiana Leite

Founder | Producer

Postgraduated in History of Art at Sorbonne University, France, in Cinema at UNESA, Brazil, Tatiana was the International Coordinator for the Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival from 2000 to 2009, and a curator for international films. She programmed numerous independent exhibitions and festivals in cultural centers and was part of the selection committee in Kinoforum and Curta Cinema festivals.
At the end of 2012, she created the independent production company Bubbles Project in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, trough which she produced short and feature films, fiction and hybrid documentaries, among Hopefuls, by Ives Rosenfeld; Pendular, by Julia Murat, FIPRESCI prize in Berlinale; Loveling, by Gustavo Pizzi, Sundance International Competition; A Family Submerged, by Maria Alché, Best Picture in Horizontes Latinos, San Sebastian Festival; and Nona – If They Soak Me, I’ll Burn Them, by Camila Jose Donoso, International Film Festival Rotterdam.
She participated in labs and co-production programs such as Cinemart, Berlinale Talents, La Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde, Puentes-EAVE, Brazil Cinemundi, and was a consultant for projects in Full Circle Lab Indonesia, EAVE in Trieste, Italy and FBCU, BRLAB, Encontros Nórdicos, in Brazil, among others.


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